SC Home Builders Self Insurers Fund


Insurance, Title Insurance, & Surety Bonds Education, Charities, Non-Profits, & Associations


With competitive rates, no membership fees and pay-as-you-go convenience, the South Carolina Home Builders Insurers Fund offers rock-solid financial stability, personal customer service and, and perhaps most importantly, the freedom to choose the workers' compensation insurance that's right for you. As South Carolina's largest self insured workers' compensation fund, we are an insurer for the construction industry. Created by builders, for builders, we're here to help you protect and serve your workers with dependable, cost-effective workers' compensation insurance. Becasue we are founded by home builders in 1995, we know the inherent risks involved in construction and construction-related industries. We can help you reduce costs by performing in-house audits and educating you on ways to manage your risk by implementing proven safety programs and standards that mitigate the risks of suffering job-related injuries.


Brandy Shealy

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